Monday, December 20, 2010

12/20/2010 (Mon) - From Duson, LA to Bonifay, FL

Today we started out a bit later than the day before mainly because there was no way I was going to get caught in that frost.  It did not frost last night but one can never be to careful.  We left about 7:45am and had a really nice drive of about 425 miles.  That is more than enough for one day. 

We traveled thru parts of Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida.  I-10 goes past all of them.  Do you have any idea how tired I am of being on I-10 well I am totally tired of it.  This road has nothing of interest to look at.  Going thru parts of Louisiana the highway was on stilts as it was all swamp area in that part.  I can only imagine how expensive that part of the road way was as it went on for a long time.

Driving I-10 in LA

Swamp in LA

Oh my there is life!!!


A little water here and there
Once thru Louisiana we hit Mississippi and in that section it was nothing but trees. 

Don't ya just love these state signs----not

Scenic spot
Once in Alabama we were sort of close to the water and there was a lot of water and bridges to cross.

Did not know we had to drive thru a tunnel in Mobile, AL but we did.

I just liked these spiky things

Now we are in the panhandle of Florida about 80 miles west of Tallahassee. 

Last state sign for now

Loved the planes on the bridge

Florida Highway Rest Area

Fire in Florida
We are now in a little town called Bonifay and are in the Florida Springs RV Park
I have to tell you the landscape has really changed since we left Arizona.  We left desert land with gorgeous mountains to flat Texas land to swamp land and then onto forest land to the panhandle where I have yet to see a palm tree.  But they are coming soon I know that. 

Tomorrow we will travel I think about 350 miles.....or it could be more.  We'll see as we go along.  We have had really good weather so far and only a couple of road construction interruptions.

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