Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Day 8 - (8-28-12) - The Grand Tetons

The Grand Tetons

Judy Here
pics by Mike

Yesterday was another fun one. Left Riverton Wy. and wound our way toward the Grand Teton Village. Stopped at a quaint little town of Dubois.

The town of Debois

First sight of the Tetons was awesome. Still some snow on Rendezvous Mountain. Fun to look at when our car temp. said 84.

The first view of the Grand Tetons
Our first sight of Teton Village were parachuters leaving the mountain and landing 100 yd. away.

Checking in at the Hostel

Mary, Mike and I rode the aerial tram to the top and spent about an hour just gazing.

Aerial Tram approaching the summit

View from the tram down to Teton Village
Judy and Mike at the TOP (10,451 feet)

View to the north toward the Grand Teton from the top

There was a fire on our horizon and we watched it grow and send out lots of smoke. Really dry around here as well. Had happy hour under the trees while we did our laundry{now we are squeaky clean}

 Last night we went to a chuck wagon barbecue at The Bar J Ranch.  We were almost late because we had to wait until MaryAnn finished washing the bugs off the front of her car.

We  had dinner and had the best entertainment. Fran, we want you to hire the Wranglers from Jackson Hole. I  can still hear the bass as he sang. WOW they were good. Climbed into bed, woke for a good breakfast and soon we are off to do white water rafting down the Snake River. If we are still alive we will tune in tomorrow. 

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