Thursday, August 30, 2012

Day 10 - (8-30-12) The Grand Tetons - Day 3

The Grand Tetons - Day 3

Mike Here
After a healhty breakfast of Cheerios, we headed north along the Teton Park Rd. We actually tried yesterday but the road was closed.  As Jim said, "We were touched by the fickle finger of faith."  So today he drove slowly because the first 3 miles was not paved.  The park leaves it gravel so wild animals can safely cross in this heavily wooded area. Also keeps car speeds down.

Entered park and had a good exchange with the Park Ranger as we showed our passcard. He remarked: " Nice of you gentlemen to bring your daughters along on this trip". Took 5 min. to stop laughing.

What a drive! Some of America's best mountains scenery and wildlife. Saw a moose and several mule deer.
Awwh a baby deer

Mule Deer
Mule deer have giant ears!

Bull Moose
Did you know that moose can dive down 15 feet to feed on underwater vegetation? Also,
Ate lunch at a picnic table overlooking Jackson Lake. Another couple joined us and in talking I discovered the gal was from Ferndale, Michigan and lived on Drayton Street. I lived on Drayton in Ferndale until I went to Michigan State! Go figure.
From here I'm going to let the pictures do the talking.
(It took us over six hours to drive eighteen miles)

The Grand Tetons

The camera people - M and M

Fantastic view

Mary and Jim standing in front of the Grand Tetons

Mike and Judy standing in front of the Grand Tetons

Jim looking out over the magnificent view

Just so you know we are still all together

This is especially for all you kayaking people

Mary's pic of the day

A salute to all our Canadian Friends
(Come on you know it looks just like a maple leaf)

We ended our stay in the Grand Tetons by having dinner at our favorite restaurant - Wendy's.
Tomorrow we will bid farewell to the Grand of the Grandest Tetons and work our way north toward Yellowstone National Park.

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